Empowering Minds Support Services
Personalised NDIS Supports for Employment & Micro-enterprise
Empowering Minds Support Services
Personalized NDIS Supports for Employment & Microenterprise
Empowering Minds Support Services
Micro-enterprise and self- employment creation
Finding and Keeping a Job
School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES)
Employment mentoring
Mentoring and skill building
STA (respite)
Empowering Minds Support Services
Empowering Minds Support Services is a boutique company focused on seeing people empowered to live their best possible life. Our mission is to enrich the lives of our participants by creating choice and control, empowerment, building one’s self value and helping them realise how significant they are. Empowering Minds Support Services provides NDIS supports for employment skill building and micro-enterprise, as well as mentoring.
Empowering Minds Support Services is not wanting to be the biggest and glossiest business. Our aim is to build an individualised and personalised service where relationships and quality of care are paramount, the participant is truly valued, and they realise their full potential.
About MAtthew williams
Matthew Williams knows what it is like to overcome massive setbacks and challenges in life. Matthew loves helping people overcome their own challenges and setbacks to help them achieve their own personal goals. He specialises in employment and mentoring and has over 17 years of experience supporting people to achieve their goals and overcome hardship.
Some of his achievements have been helping Jack achieve his Herbie – “From Dreams to Deliveries”. This was aired on Channel Seven and The Project on 10 Play.

“From Dreams to Deliveries”